Bash Creative's Top Picks for 2022 Event Trends

So much has changed over the past few years! The events industry has successfully navigated these challenging times and made pivots along the way. As we see the urge for in-person events growing, today we will share some of our top event trends for 2022.



What is a micro-event? Micro-events are events condensed in size and scope. We like to think of these as bite-size and love that they offer a variety of options to businesses of all sizes.

Most recently, we have worked with micro-events in a virtual setting, establishing a series of quarterly touchpoints for a client looking to spread year-round messaging to their internal team. 

Another reason we love micro-events is because of how they enhance in-person events:

  • A new feel for the experience - Setting up micro in-person events allows you to engage with your audience on a more intimate and personalized level through keynotes, networking opportunities, and more. This helps build a lasting impression and also makes it attainable for smaller companies to get the word out about their brand. 

  • Increased visibility and access for attendees - Offering multiple smaller events throughout the year provides your attendees’ options and can broaden access to those who may not have been able to attend previously.

  • Opportunities to utilize unique venues - Smaller more intimate settings open up opportunities to find unique venue options that are not available with a larger guest count. This could also allow you to support a small, local business  - which is always a win! 

  • More manageable health protocols -  As mandates continue to evolve, a smaller group can pivot and manage changes much easier.  This mitigates risk, especially during times with spiking COVID cases and new variants.

  • Year-Round messaging and brand recognition - Brands want to engage their audience year-round as a way to stay top of mind. We see this trend in 2022 growing as the days of single, high stakes annual events are behind us. 


Since the pandemic hit, just about everyone has been itching to get back to in-person events. But through experience, we have found hybrid events allow attendees to choose an option that suits their needs, and also benefits companies at the same time: 

  • Flexibility - Flexibility is critical right now. How can we expect for business as normal to continue when so much as changed? Hybrid events allow people to choose their level of participation in a way we have not seen before. Flexible schedules, access levels, and comfort levels enrich the event experience, allowing people to absorb a brand’s message in the way(s) that works for them.

  • Widen Your Audience -  Hybrid events allow companies to access to a wider audience (as well as any pivots needed) as protocols change with COVID. Not only are you able to relay content to those attending in person, but you can have access to attendees globally who may have never been able to hear your message. This also makes the price for entry lower as well, which can make for a more inclusive event. 

  • Access On-Demand - Recorded content is an especially powerful tool for events attracting a global audience.. This gives attendees the reins to enjoying the content at a time that best suits their schedule and, hopefully, allows them to retain content at a deeper level with less competing factors. We expect to see hybrid continuing for years to come as further expansion into the Metaverse takes footing in the events industry.


Research shows that health and safety measures will continue to be a very important factor as people choose events to attend in 2022. 

The wonderful news is that there are now many offerings to help aide in the health and safety of everyone at an event  - rapid tests, new standards of cleanliness, Covid Compliance Officers to enforce safety, and a renewed lens on physical security as a byproduct. 

Utilizing touchless technology is another way to create safer environments. These can be touchless sanitizing stations placed throughout the venue, touchless registration and much more. As we have been successfully producing events throughout COVID, we encourage all clients to make sure to have a health and safety bucket in your budget as you return to in-person events. For assistance with budgeting health and safety for you upcoming event, you can schedule time to chat with us.


Discussing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) isn’t something that is new to the world, however 2022 is the time to renew that sense of purpose. We project brands will want to work with ethically aligned businesses for their events to focus on topics like guest health and wellbeing (both physically and mentally), sustainability practices, and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). We encourage clients to build initiatives into their planning process (not wait until the last minute) to thoughtfully renew their CSR.. Some easy ways to showcase your CSR could be:

  • State your values on RFP’s and ask vendors how they align. 

  • Showcase diversity in speakers and special guests. People of all abilities and voices enrich the narrative. 

  • For food and beverage, ask for compostable packaging, and donate excess food through companies like Replate or Goodr

As we continue to move through a time filled with uncertainty, we hope these trends can help inform your event programming in the year to come. At Bash Creative, we strive to stay ahead of trends, producing quality events with style and substance. Please reach out directly to discuss what you have upcoming and how we can help. We would love to hear from you!

Bash Creative is an event planning company that specializes in incredible gatherings that go beyond just great design. We’re known for teasing out smart goals for your event and serve up a stylish execution that will keep your guests buzzing. Located in San Francisco, but often found in New York, Austin, Chicago, Seattle, and beyond.