Virtual, Hybrid, & Live Event Opportunities for 2022

Today, we are excited to share one last (really good) nugget of information from our Events Rebound Survey that was conducted in the Spring! These particular insights have been a wonderful resource as we ideate and execute our clients’ event visions. It’s also helped us identify where and how we can be the best partner moving forward - specifically in the Dynamic Areas of Opportunity outlined below. We hope you also find them valuable when planning your next event.


In the past year, we have seen event content evolve in the virtual world - becoming more thoughtful, purposeful, and truly tailored to the attendee. The itch for rich content from authentic, relatable speakers is fortunately not going away. Allocating a generous share of your budget to talent and production will allow for better engagement, message retention, and create evergreen content for brand amplification or recruitment efforts. 

Here are a few key areas where corporate planners would like to see content continue to expand for hybrid events and back into live in-person events:

  • Recording presentations to make all content available on-demand.

  • Diversifying speakers from experience to perspective, to representation. 

  • Making content focused and specific, diving deeper into a subject than what a guest could read on a blog or in an article. 

  • Finding a purpose for content to live beyond the event and be truly evergreen.


With the limitations and restrictions of virtual-only events, bridging connections has had heavy significance this past year and is a trend most planners and guests hope is here to stay. Whether attendees are customers, employees, or partners - people have been craving a deeper connection to each other as well as to services and products. Developing a sense of community, creating a friendly platform to share, learn, & participate, as well as placing inclusivity at the forefront of event goals & objectives seems to be the foundational pillars for both live and virtual events going forward. 

Here are the three areas of opportunity that corporate planners want to continue focusing on when it comes to guest engagement:

  • Community and Connection

  • Expanding Gamification and Self-Paced Activities 

  • Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive ways to participate


This past year was truly a testament to how broad the term “event” can now be used. Guests have seen a lot and are now only intrigued by the differences and uniqueness of our Industry. Just as they wanted to be wowed in-person, they want to be wowed online. At Bash Creative, we rolled up our sleeves and continue to push the boundaries for our clients and partners to create original, thought-provoking, and meaningful experiences, rooted in their values and event goals. 

Here are the fundamental areas where corporate planners would like to see creative margins pushed for live and virtual events:

  • Reimagine the guest experience for live, in-person events. How can you translate the “choose your own adventure” event style when in-person.

  • Pair virtual participation with in-person events to allow for more inclusivity.

  • Consider your global audience and how their perspective and experience may differ from what the US is experiencing. 

  • Create Immersive Virtual Reality experiences that can be used more than just once.

With health & safety now more prevalent than ever, our library of resources and comprehensive plans for virtual, live, and hybrid events is an ever-evolving project that we are eager to share with our clients.

Please contact us directly if you’d like to continue these conversations, we’d love to connect as you begin to plan your next event or initiative!

Additionally, if you would like to contribute to our data collection, please feel free to participate in our open Events Rebound Survey. We would love to hear from you!

Bash Creative is an event planning company that specializes in incredible gatherings that go beyond just great design. We’re known for teasing out smart goals for your event and serve up a stylish execution that will keep your guests buzzing. Located in San Francisco, but often found in New York, Austin, Chicago, Seattle, and beyond.